Sewer Eastside Sewer Improvements Hopkins Creek/Stanley Road Sewer Interceptor Big Flat Creek Gravity Sewer and Force Main Fox Hill & East Jones Bridge Augusta Main Interceptor – Phase 2 Middle Oconee River Crossing Norris Lake Pump Station and Force Main South Gwinnett Pump Station and Force Main Improvements – Phase II Shakerag Gravity Sewer Stonecrest Sanitary Sewer System Improvements – Sewers and Force Mains Wolf Creek Force Main Replacement Flint River Outfall Replacement – Phase 1B Rock Creek\Little Choctawhatchee Trunk Line Newton Force Main Barnett Shoals Basin Interceptor and Greenway Trail East Hiram Sewer Impr. Flint River Outfall PH 3 Fulton-Cobb Diversion Line & Pump Station D/B